Tuesday, March 28, 2017

4 critical Questions

Critical Questions
1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups?
I used several Magazines to gather ideas about what sort of conventions I should use for m magazines.
The name of my Magazine is NATURE. I chose a simple name as I wanted my magazine to look more natural.
I designed my cover page using Bright and dull colors at the same time as there are no restrictions on choosing colors.
My main Image consists of a Bird that I had focused on to catch most of my audience.

I also used a discount feature on my cover page as it makes it a good insensitive for the consumers of my magazine.
I kept my inner stories simple and located them to the right side of the cover page. My main cover story was also simple and I kept the size of the font same because as I said before, I wanted my magazine to be kept simple.

I located my barcode on the bottom right of my cover page standing vertically to make some part of it look unique. Just like most of other Magazines, I kept my date and price on the top right with the same font and color but a different size to make it somewhat different from all the other layers of the Cover page. I Kept my price reasonable so that i can target a majority of a vast audience.

The Double spread page also consists of rules that I have followed in my magazine’s double page spread. I covered the 2 pages with one picture that had no interruption in the middle.

My text was covering the right page of the DPS and the prop used in the picture was covering the left part of my magazine.
My magazine represents the social groups associated with the genre of Nature. Because as you can see all the pages are relating to different topics of nature.
My main focus is on the people who love traveling to seek nature. As my magazine has said to include places full of nature’s most beautiful streams, mountains and camp sides etc.

2. How does your product engage with audiences and how will it be distributed as a real media text?
My Magazine Is about Nature and the targeted population are Nemophilsts, I also used various techniques to attract my audience

My Cover page itself has a green bird resembling greenery that in my opinion might attract most of my targeted audience.

I also used simple fonts to keep my Magazine unique and different from the other magazines in the market.

I’ve also added a LOAFOLOGY coupon inside to attract even those people who collect

coupons and this might push the opportunity for me to sell more of my Magazines.   
For the distribution of my magazine, I would first research on the internet on how to attract people to books, Magazines or a newspaper.
If I find those researches useful, I’d definitely follow those steps and try my best to sell as much of my product as I can. Otherwise I would just advertise my product online on famous social media websites to attract different kinds of audience.

3. How did your production skills develop throughout the project?

 Before the start of this project I assigned myself various research projects like watching various videos of my favorite genre and making notes of shot types used and the editing done. These gave me a fair idea of how to convey the theme effectively.

When I started editing, I tried using Photoshop to edit most of the pictures that I was planning on using for my magazine. At first I found it really hard to use Ps but watching tutorials on YouTube made it a lot easier for me to edit pictures and make them look more professional.

Another thing I learned to use was my Camera. I was using a Nikon Dslr to shoot most of my pictures. The first day of capturing pictures was a bit complicated but using YouTube once again made it easier for me to capture better and more finesse photos.

The most important thing I learned was blogger.com. I had never used blogger before in life. Thought it will be really hard to use but my teacher made it feel way easier than I expected.
Q4.How did you integrate technologies – software hardware and online – in this project?
Hardware technology used for this project was a DSLR for good quality shooting and a laptop for the editing.
There are 3 software’s used for editing and designing that are Photoshop, InDesign and

Microsoft Excel. I used Photoshop for editing my pictures and InDesign to convert it into an official magazine format. And lastly Excel to give results of the questionare.

The websites I used were Google, YouTube and Blogger. These 3 webistes were most frequently used for the research of my magazine.